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Global Leading Sensory Training & Aroma Marketing
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Aroma of the Week : Bourbon Aroma Kit : Cherry

Aroma of the Week : Bourbon Aroma Kit : Cherry

The cherry aroma is featured in the flavour notes of many Bourbons. It is a member of the Rosaceae family with both sweet and sour varieties. Cherries have a fresh, green, fruity note with almond scent emanating from the seed/pip. Cherries also have floral and spicy qualities with a hint of tannin when dried. A unique type of fruity note that is typically easily recognised, the version in our Bourbon Aroma Kit is bright and cheerful but with an under-note feature of a mild dark note that is found in dark cherries.

As you would expect for any fruity note, we find a blend of esters (the underpinnings of many fruity aroma notes) along with a touch of the delightful bitter almonds from the stone and just the merest hint of spicy aromas. The unique aroma note of dark cherries comes from special acids and they are there at a low level that may not be detected by some people but which are very satisfactory for most of us.

See our Bourbon Aroma Kit for more information.

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