The Aroma Academy is delighted to announce the official launch of the Rum Aroma Kit – the latest in our series of “Self learn” aroma recognition kits which guide you on your route to expertise in your chosen field.
After many months of careful development work by Dr George Dodd and invaluable feedback from Rum experts and enthusiasts including Ian Burrell (Global Rum Ambassador and founder of UK RumFest) and Pete Holland ( the kits are now released! (available NOW at and from our US distributors from the 15th of June.)
The Rum Aroma Kit includes 24 Aroma Solutions key to the flavour profile of Rum, together with a booklet which guides you through our aroma recognition methodology as well as containing useful information regarding the 24 Aromas and a general Rum overview. The 24 Aroma Solutions include Agricole, Banana, Burnt Rubber, Chocolate, Coconut, Coffee, Dried Fruit, Fusel Oil, Leather, Molasses, Muscovado, Orange Peel, Spice, Tobacco, and Tropical Fruits to name a few….