Aroma of the Week : Rum Aroma Kit : Molasses
To complement the exciting release of the Aroma Academy Rum Aroma Kit, we have decided to feature one of the signature aroma notes in many rums – Molasses - as our Aroma of the Week. The tale of molasses is a simple one but the underlying chemistry of the aroma production is one of the most complex in the spirits drinks industry. The sugar-rich juice from sugar cane is boiled to concentrate it and to allow the familiar sugar to appear as crystals after cooling. This is the first syrup or first molasses stage. The more viscous and more deeply...
NEW : Launch of Rum Aroma Kit
The Aroma Academy is delighted to announce the official launch of the Rum Aroma Kit – the latest in our series of “Self learn” aroma recognition kits which guide you on your route to expertise in your chosen field. After many months of careful development work by Dr George Dodd and invaluable feedback from Rum experts and enthusiasts including Ian Burrell (Global Rum Ambassador and founder of UK RumFest) and Pete Holland ( the kits are now released! (available NOW at and from our US distributors from the 15th of June.) The Rum Aroma Kit includes 24 Aroma Solutions...
Aroma of the Week : Whisky Aroma Kit : Phenolic
The family of aroma molecules called “phenols” (from which the adjective phenolic comes) are the distinctive - and often defining - aroma molecules in many whiskies. The phenol category also represents one key “raison d'être” for the Aroma Academy Whisky Aroma Kits. Many whisky enthusiasts read flavour notes for Whiskies, particularly examples from Islay and other island, Single Malt Scotch Whiskies, and they often encounter the term “phenolic.” At the Aroma Academy, we are often asked, “What does a typical phenolic aroma actually smell like?” Well, fortunately, all the Whisky Aroma Kits contain examples of typical Phenolic Aromas including one...
Aroma of the Week: Gin Aroma Kit: Juniper Notes
The characteristic scent of Juniper berry is the signature aroma and flavour of all Gins. Indeed, when we present a smelling strip “blind” with a variant of juniper it is commonly described as ‘Gin’ or a ‘Gin and Tonic’ - especially by those who are meeting this glorious aroma for the first time. If you are already a Gin lover or a Gin connoisseur - whether you know it or not - your love has been stimulated by the unmistakable bright and fresh aroma of juniper oil. Given the chemical complexity of the aromatics in Juniper oil, we would expect,...
Aroma of the Week: Bourbon Aroma Kit : Charred Oak
We have been delighted with the response to the recently released Bourbon Aroma Kit and have therefore decided to highlight a key Bourbon aroma in our new feature – Aroma of the Week. Bourbon Aroma Kit : Charred Oak : Every Bourbon lover knows the key role that maturation of the freshly distilled Bourbon in charred oak barrels plays in the generation of the much loved Bourbon aroma and flavour profile. The Charred Oak Aroma in the Bourbon Aroma Kit is a combination of sensorial rich smoky and woody aromas with the trigeminally active aroma molecules produced during the heat...